
LibreNAS Features

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It's fast.

LibreNAS is built with speed and stability in mind. Every component is handpicked to ensure as little overhead as possible, to get the most out of your hardware.

It's flexible.

We found that the one biggest complaint with other NAS operating systems was the lack of ability to expand your storage one drive at a time. With LibreNAS, you have the flexibility to expand your array however you please.

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put an image here

It's easy to use.

Every feature is clearly marked, and backed up with concise and easy-to-understand documentation.

It's secure.

Your files are important. LibreNAS does not compromise on security, and comes configured out-of-the-box to automatically install the latest security updates.

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put an image here

It's compatible.

LibreNAS supports NFS, SMB, AFP, WebDAV and HTTP. What does this mean in the real world? It means your Mac, Windows, and Linux PCs can all share the same files, with no compromises on performance.

You've reached the bottom of the page, you can go and download it now.

Contact Us

We love talking about storage! We're often active on IRC in #LibreNAS on freenode. If you want to request a feature or report a bug, then you can file an issue in the relevant GitHub repository.


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